The Total Vulnerabilities tile provides a count of all detected vulnerabilities within a project regardless of severity. The total count of vulnerabilities may include the same vulnerability more than once if more than one product is affected.

Selecting the Total Vulnerabilities tile will bring up a window with detailed information about the vulnerability scan. Within this window, there are three tabs: Data, Details, and Tree. The Data tab presents the raw scan data in JSON format. The Details tab will provide a list of the vulnerabilities detected and a description and the software products that are affected by the vulnerability. The Tree tab will display the Dependency Tree containing all dependencies affected by a vulnerability along with the path taken to introduce those dependencies.


No rules govern the Total Vulnerabilities scan results.

Vulnerability Details:

By selecting the Total Vulnerabilities tile and viewing the Details tab, you will find a list of all of the vulnerabilities, a description of the vulnerability, and a list of the software products in this project that are affected by the vulnerability. If more detailed information about each vulnerability is desired, the JSON data in the Data tab can be searched for the vulnerability name.

Dependency Tree

By selecting the Total Vulnerabilities tile and viewing the Tree tab, you will find a tree that presents all dependencies affected by a vulnerability and the path taken for that dependency to be introduced into this project.

Vulnerable dependencies are represented with a red dot along with the dependency name and version. White dots represent dependencies within the path leading to a vulnerable dependency. Hovering over any affected dependency will display all vulnerabilities that affect that dependency and highlight identical dependencies within the project.

Tile Statuses:

Warning: The vulnerabilities scan has been completed, and one or more vulnerabilities have been detected.


Not Evaluated: The vulnerabilities scan has been completed, and no vulnerabilities have been detected.


Error: An error occurred during the scan or analysis. Selecting the tile will provide information on the cause of the error.
