Software Product Details
  • 11 Feb 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
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Software Product Details

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Article summary

The Product Details page provides detailed information for a software product and all known vulnerabilities that affect the product. A product's details can be accessed by clicking the results of a search.

Product Information

The information for each software product is obtained from the National Vulnerability Database (NVD) and includes:

  • Name - The name of the software assigned by NVD to the product.
  • Org - The name of the organization that created the software.
  • Version - The specific version of this software.
  • Created At - The date and time (UTC) that the product was added to Ion Channel.
  • Updated At - The date and time (UTC) that the product was last updated in Ion Channel. Updates often occur when there has been a change in vulnerabilities assigned to a product.
  • ID - The CPE (Common Platform Enumeration) assigned to the product by NVD.
  • Number of Vulnerabilities - The total count of vulnerabilities known to affect this product.


Any known vulnerabilities of this product will be displayed on this page. Selecting any vulnerability tile will take you to the Vulnerability Details page for that particular vulnerability.

You can sort the list of vulnerabilities in descending order by clicking the Severity Score or Date Published buttons.

The Add button will allow you to create a project using the details of this product. You can find further information on creating a project via this method here.

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