Known Issues
  • 12 Apr 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Known Issues

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Article summary

This is a maintained list of known issues that are most likely to be encountered. If you discover anything not included here, please let us know at

  • The information in the Unique Committers tile indicates that the data only goes back to 2015; the correct year is 2011.
  • The User Settings screen displays three blank lines in the token section.
  • The number of vulnerabilities displayed in the UI search results sometimes indicates an incorrect number of vulnerabilities affecting the product.
  • Starting an analysis from the ellipsis dropdown menu on the Project List page does not display the banner indicating the analysis has been initiated.
  • In rare cases, a single project can be counted more than once for the number of projects affected by a vulnerability on the Vulnerability Remediation page.
  • It is sometimes impossible to edit a project's settings when the source location is unreachable.
  • When editing an S3 project, it is necessary to re-enter the bucket's AWS credentials.
  • The tooltip displayed when hovering over a dot on the vulnerability tree can appear lower than intended.
  • The dots in a vulnerability tree can be so small that it is difficult to hover over the correct spot to cause the tooltip to be displayed.
  • The text in a tile may be cut off if its length exceeds the width of the tile.

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