- 26 Jul 2021
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Code Coverage
- Updated on 26 Jul 2021
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The Code Coverage tile displays the code percentage (rounded to the nearest tenth) covered by automated tests. The data from a code coverage scan can be obtained from an external source and must be provided via the Ionize CLI.
The Code Coverage rule governs the pass/fail status of the Code Coverage results. When this rule is enabled in the governing ruleset, the analysis will only pass if the value in the coverage.txt file exceeds the code coverage threshold as defined in the rule.
Tile Statuses:
Passing: The percentage of code coverage exceeds the Code Coverage rule's threshold, and an external code coverage value has been provided.
Failing: The percentage of code coverage is equal to or less than the Code Coverage rule's threshold value.
Error: An error occurred during the scan or analysis. Selecting the tile will provide information on the cause of the error.