  • 26 Apr 2022
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Article Summary

The Portfolio view provides high-level information for your entire group of projects. On this page, you will find an overview of your active projects' status and the vulnerabilities and dependencies within your portfolio of projects. The Portfolio page is accessed by selecting Portfolios from the hamburger menu.

The information at the top of the page provides an overview of the statuses of your projects.

  • Total Projects - The total number of active projects in the team's portfolio.
  • Monitored Projects - The total number of active projects that are configured to be monitored daily.
  • Passing Projects - The total number of active projects that passed the governing ruleset on each project's most recent analysis.
  • Failing Projects - The total number of active projects that failed the governing ruleset on the project's most recent analysis.
  • Errored Projects - The total number of active projects that received an error on the project's most recent analysis
  • Pending Projects - The total number of active projects that have never been analyzed or are in the process of being analyzed.


The Vulnerabilities section provides an overview of all of the vulnerabilities affecting your projects.

  • Total Vulnerabilities - The total number of vulnerabilities affecting the most recent analyses of all active projects for the selected team. Each vulnerability will be counted once every time it appears in any active project.
  • Unique Vulnerabilities - The number of distinct vulnerabilities discovered across the team's entire portfolio of active projects. Each vulnerability will be counted only once, regardless of how many projects and their dependencies are affected.
  • Most Frequent Vulnerability - The vulnerability that affects the most projects. If the highest number of projects affected by a particular vulnerability is the same across multiple vulnerabilities, then the vulnerability with the highest severity score will be displayed. If more than one vulnerability affects the most projects and has the highest severity score, then the count of these vulnerabilities will be displayed instead of the vulnerability name.
  • Severity - A list of the top ten vulnerabilities ordered by the severity score from highest to lowest. Clicking this list will take you to the Vulnerability Remediation page.
  • Impact - A list of the top ten vulnerabilities ordered by the number of projects a vulnerability affects, followed by the vulnerability severity. Clicking this list will take you to the Vulnerability Remediation page.


The Dependencies section provides information about the direct and transitive dependencies found in the latest analysis of all active projects.

  • Total Direct Dependencies - The total number of direct dependencies across all active projects.
  • Total Transitive Dependencies - The total number of transitive dependencies across all active projects.
  • Total Outdated Dependencies - The total number of outdated dependencies across all active projects.
  • Total No Version Specified - The total number of dependencies that do not have a version specified.
  • Dependency List by Impact - A list of the ten most common dependencies that exist in your projects. The Projects Count value is the count of projects where each unique dependency appears at least once.

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